Tony Wang

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Creative kits


A retro Fantasy Console that generates ROMs compatible with the popular handheld game console.

Other versions: alpha on

Bitty Engine

An itty bitty Game Engine, with built-in editors, programmable in Lua.


An integrated Fantasy Computer for game and other program development. You can create, share and play disks in a modern BASIC dialect, with built-in tools for editing sprite, tiles, map, quantized, etc.

Crapht Box

A Fantasy Physics Sandbox, inspired by the Fantasy Console genre. It brings a simulated world with a number of disks and tools, and leaves you to play, program, create and share disks.


The Legend of Pomodoro

A pomodoro tool and an RPG game driven by tomatoes.
Other languages: 简体中文

Urban Player

An oldschool music player and visualizer.


A lightweight BASIC interpreter written in standard C in dual files. Aims to be embeddable, extendable and portable.


Hyper Bullet

A top-down action game replenished with agreeable vaporwave aesthetics, pure joy of combat and gunplay rhythm. Pick up a weapon, defeat oncoming enemies, survive in infinite crises, and write down your own legend here...

Other versions: demo on

Hyper Dungeon Crawler

A turn-based roguelike RPG with crafting. Collect materials and craft your unique tools, weapons, magic spells and other supplements and fight your way through a series of procedurally generated scenes.
How to Play?

Other versions: MFGJ - Summer 2021 submission on

Tiny games and programs


A 3D toolkit and framework based on Three.js.

Boing Ball

A boing ball remake.

Tomato Garden

A Pomodoro time management application.

Canned Monsters

Procedurally generated monsters in a sardines can.


A 3D dice program.


A generative-art program which produces gingerbread cookies.

Capsule Rush

Match-three to eliminate virus.


GB BASIC Alpha 4

GB BASIC is a Fantasy Console that generates GameBoy compatible ROM. This article shows off what's new in alpha version 4.

GB BASIC Alpha 3

GB BASIC is a Fantasy Console that generates GameBoy compatible ROM. This article shows off what's new in alpha version 3.

GB BASIC Alpha 2

GB BASIC is a Fantasy Console that generates GameBoy compatible ROM. This article shows off what's new in alpha version 2.

GB BASIC Alpha 1

GB BASIC is a Fantasy Console that generates GameBoy compatible ROM. This article shows off what's new in alpha version 1.

Introducing GB BASIC

GB BASIC is a Fantasy Console that generates GameBoy compatible ROM. As of the time of this writing, the project is yet a prototype.

Vaporwave, Deconstructivism and Video Game

Vaporwave and video game need each other. There are quite a number of pioneer developers who have involved in introducing the vaporwave aesthetic to video games.

Smooth Tile-based Movement Algorithm with Sliding

Movement is a very basic concept in video games, it could be as simple as accumulating steps to a position value. This article introduces a smooth movement algorithm with tolerant sliding, which offers good adaptivity to various tile-based scenes.

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